

So what happened to time? What happens to the days when you could do nothing but lie around watching Back To The Future on HBO for the 754th time? I guess I know to many musicians who do NOTHING all day. They are constantly broke, never go anywhere. But there's a part of all of us who are envious of thier lifestyle. No places to be except for the 3 nights a week travelling-at best-12 miles to a gig. Nothing that needs to "get done" everyday but maybe high score on Halo2.
I have a home, a lovely Fiance', dog, and soon to have a cat also. My free nights and weekends are spent doing things to the home, remodeling type things. I can't go out much anymore since the majority of my income is paying for the "lifestyle" [inside joke-C.D.] that I live.Then there's the other half of my friends. Money was never a problem for them so working was more of a hobby and household repairs and maintenence are left to simply writing a check and its taken care of. This leaves them every weekend to go somewhere either local, or to fly to Vegas for the weekend. I guess I am middle class....


shanniebug said...

Hey, I'm going to love our middle class life!

Web-chick said...

I guess that means I'm on the bottom end - no job, not a musician, no home, renting, driving freakin' 2 hours a day to a temp job in BFK! oh, did I mention, no love life, no boyfriend, no prospects?