
Birthday Wishes

Stuff I want for my birthday.

1. 8 GB of ram for my little MBpro.

2. Airport Express N network for the home.

3. 27" Apple Cinema Display for home

4. Someone to teach me C, Objective C and Cocoa for free.

5. Crestron control system for our house. TVs, HVAC, phone, internet, security- all controlled from one source.

6. A pair of iPhone4's for me and my wife. Since she has to travel, maybe the Facetime will work better than Skype?

7. Jake to settle into his home. And be happy.

8. My cat to stop biting me and the dog

9. A smaller Comcast Cable bill.

10. All I really want, is a bottle of Jameson, my back patio on a summer night, and my little family with me.

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