

Kick ass, in about an hour,I get to sit in traffic and go home from the desk. I should be cleaning up projects but I am toast. Received two good pieces of news this week: My brother, author of Closest Exit, will be visiting me in September while on business. This also means that his company will have a rep here in Indy so he will be here more often. My brother has always been one of my heroes. He never spared me a lesson or two about anything practical and always made sure I was using what brain cells I have left for the greater good.
The other- The night club I work 2 nights a week in is installing house sound. I was pretty much giving up on the place. The designer/installer came in to talk to me and we are old friends. it's going to be really nice. JBL Vertec, crown power, DBX processor to protect from the annoying DJ's on the weekend blowing up the subs-of course an actual sound engineer doesn't understand the "art" that a DJ is responsible for....yeah? Go-fuck-your-self-you-too-talentless-to-learn-a-real-instrument-ahole.
Sorry, only met 1-2 "DJ's" who had any respect for gain structure and clipping.
Its going to be my first weekend w/o a computer. I hope I survive. Maybe I can surf via blackberry?

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