
Who Am I?

ok, so I have been this knock around guy working in nightclubs since the age of eighteen. Don't expect any writing or journalism awards here, I never attended college and learned to type about 5 years ago. I promise not to come home drunk and post idiotic and unreadable stuff.What I will do is post my observations of human behavior at its best: DRUNK PEOPLE.
My friends and I are what you would call Pro's. I have mellowed quite a bit so this enables me to notice my surroundings. I have friends in their late 30's that are single, and will stay so.

I am going to make my first comment on this douchbag:
the guy who thinks it's clever to whistle along with the band.....you know that whistle where you put your fingers in your mouth thing and its REALLY FUCKING LOUD???
He tries to "play along" to the music. I spend prob 20 mins looking for this dumb ass every wednesday. He is allusive. He will be mine. After I kick him in the balls for being pathetic I will have him barred. Do the people at his table find this amusing? don't they get tired of it? WAIT-maybe he's alone....ok, more updates to come.


shanniebug said...

I always love "that one guy" who always tries to sing along to the music even though he doesn't know the words....Thanks a lot buddy, I paid good money just so I could hear you sing.

Web-chick said...

If you find that whistle guy - point him out, cause inevitably he finds me and does the whistle in my damn ears then I can't hear ANYTHING for the rest of the freakin' gig! I wanna slap him & kick him...