The Wife and I made it past the first trimester. Not a big deal but since I'm a 1/2 step from 40, and she is, well, she's...not getting carded anymore.Doctors and websites have done their best to scare the crap out of us. I think she is starting to worry, but not me. About 5 years ago all of the anxiety and worry in my life was washed away. I don't know if it was the copious amounts of jeagermeister or other assorted toxins forced into my body, but I am not worried.
She is a worry-wart. It's her nature. I have accepted this, due to the amount of things/problems/struggles in her life. My problems have been, "how much is my bar tab?" and "Can I float the car payment and still make rent by the 9th?" I guess I'm hoping my karma is in good working order and the creek won't run dry. I guess I assume that what we have been through up until now- should cover us for the rest of our lives? Who cares, I guess I will try and be-or become- the best dad I can be. Wish me luck!
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